In 2019, we presented our unique Redefinition, Reinvention and Me-Invention 3-part series in South Africa, the Middle East and the United Kingdom. The individual sessions are ideally run over 3 hours each, but can be tailored to take into account the client's specific requirements. This 3-part series can be supplemented with one or more topics from our Career Shifts series:
From Managing to Leading (recommended for those transitioning from a corporate management role to a leadership position)
From Employed to Self-Employed (recommended for retiring executives, retrenched staff and individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit)
From Graduate to Employee: Entering the Workforce: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly (recommended for school-leavers and tertiary education graduates)
From Unemployed to being the Boss (recommended for those re-entering the workforce or starting their own business)
​Understanding what makes you tick
Acknowledging how others define your success
Debunking the myth of ‘living your best life'
Redefining your own measure of success
Articulating your unique value proposition
Crafting your one-liner value proposition
Defining your near-term goals and actions (1 week to 3 months)
Understanding your ‘Now’ and ‘Then’
Defining your ‘From' and your ‘To’
Formulating your personal brand
Drafting your one-pager profile
Defining your medium-term goals and actions (3 months to 18 months)
Understanding that one cannot predict the future but that one can create it
Promoting and monetizing your personal brand in the digital age
Understanding the competitive landscape
Adapting to evolving circumstances
Developing resilience
Enhancing your bottom line sustainably
All topics can be conducted as a 30- to 45-minute keynote address or a 2-hour interactive seminar over lunch or tea, depending on the audience, the number of attendees and the client’s specific requirements.
To find out more, please complete the online request below or email us at